Planning Enforcement updates
We’ve been a bit quiet on enforcement matters to date, but you may not know we love a good enforcement case! Over the last year or so we’ve been working ‘both sides of...
Making Hay While the Sun Shines
We now find ourselves experiencing a mix of weird dreams, unsettled nights, gorgeous weather, home working, home schooling, social distancing, fear for our loved ones...
Making Representations to the Plan-Making Process
Well we’re now into a new year and new decade and the RCA team have been reflecting on the most recent consultation season at the end of 2019. At the end of the year,...
Key Issues to Consider in Viability
Preparing a strong viability case to support your planning application is not a straightforward process and requires the right type of support. If you are considering...
5 Key Steps to Getting Your Planning Application Passed
Achieving planning consent is not just about what your scheme looks like, it is about a lot more. The context within which your application is submitted is incredibly...
Planning Fees are Increasing!
The Statutory Instrument with respect to an increase in planning fees was made on 20thDecember 2017 and comes into force on 17thJanuary 2018. Planning fees are to...